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  • Writer's pictureLindsay White

Dreams, Diana, Dr. Pepper, Dogs, Drama & Dior...Oh My! (Part 1)

Part 1: Dreams

Bonjour, my name is Lindsay and I'm a dreamer.

(And also not a blogger....this is my very first attempt so be kind.)

I've always kinda lived in my own world of rainbows & unicorns, glitter & sparkle. I actually don't mind that I am such an optimist and could never imagine being another way. I love to live each day joyfully. I realize that to some people, I am a lot. A little extra. Perhaps maybe even a bit over the top, but I cannot help but to follow my heart. One of my biggest dreams has been to share my love of creating & celebrating. To spread joy. To encourage others to dream. Those who know me know that I've had my fair share of challenges in life. I've known loss, sickness & faced struggles. Like any other woman, I have failed, cried, & been discouraged. But, I don't linger. I choose joy! Daily. It's a choice. It's not denial, it's the reality that I choose for myself and my family. Joy, happiness & focusing on the good. And there is always good to be found. I don't hold some long lost secret to life, I have simply always decided to let my heart lead. An it just works for me. (Probably because my husband is very loving & his steadfast, level-headed support keeps me grounded....but that's a topic for another day!)

So how do you turn a desire to share joy, creating & celebrating into a business? Well, at first I had no idea. I tossed several ideas around in my head and heart for years but it wasn't until one day.... quite unexpectedly, that Le Village de la Dame was revealed to my heart. I was at my nail salon, getting all prettied up and chatting with another client there whom I had just met that day. She was sharing her experiences of being a missionary in third world countries. She spoke about the woman she encountered and how they supported each other. How in many places, the men were not around much and the women really depended on one another, even if they were not related. One example was when a baby was born to one woman and she was unable to feed the child because her milk never came in, another woman from the village would move into the hut with the first and feed both her own child and her fellow villager's child. Something about that story I could not get off my heart. I longed to share that kind of love & support with other women. I was longing for a Village. Thus, the idea of Le Village de la Dame was born. The Lady's Village. (In French, because....well, other than being such a Francophile, I told you... I'm extra!) That one manicure changed my passion & mission in life. And you know what, it's perfectly fitting that Le Village de la Dame came to me at a local, woman-owned, small business salon, where my newly discovered nail artist & now dear friend was fulfilling her purpose.... a salon that I only called on recommendation of another dear woman/friend & small business owner who's living her purpose.... a person that I met at a function from another woman/friends house. You see? We were all already supporting each other as women, we just didn't realize how much. Le Village was already forming long before I even knew. As a Christian, I totally call that out as Divine Intervention. I've prayed for my purpose in this world to be shown. How I could serve others. Of course, I will always be a wife & mother first, but I so longed for a mission. It may seem silly to some but for me, it is perfectly clear. Le Village de la Dame is my mission.

So with that said, Bienvenue to Le Village de la Dame. I am so glad you are here and I cannot wait to travel this journey with you!

Stay tuned soon for Part 2... Diana

Au revoir pour le moment,


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