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  • Writer's pictureLindsay White

Part 2... Diana!

Updated: Jul 25, 2022

Do you ever feel like somethings just magically appear in your life? Things that you never even knew you wanted but just hit you in the heart and you can't seem to go on without it? (Well, that may be a little dramatic, but you get the point.)

That's exactly what happened one Saturday morning, laying on the couch while kinda mindlessly scrolling through Facebook. Boom! There it was in marketplace... a 1972 Land Rover Defender 109 Truck. It made me stop immediately to check it out. Something about it just spoke to me. The uniqueness, it's right side steering, the quirky details, everything about it! I messaged the owner to inquire a little more and then after pestering Tim all day, he finally agreed to take me to see it. And this is where that man went wrong in his opinion because after I saw it in person, I was hooked!

My dear husband showed his support of my crazy whim by taking my picture with it, asking mechanical questions of the seller and even climbed under the truck in the parking lot to inspect it. He told the seller to give us the weekend to think it over and he'd be in touch but in reality, Tim never had any intention of it becoming ours. However it was no longer just some random truck... in my heart it now belonged to me. It was meant for me! It was my Diana! Now I have never even had the desire to own a truck nor was I even looking for one... But as far as I was concerned, Diana just found me! Fate had totally sent Diana into my life! As we traveled home, I just couldn't get Diana out of my head nor off my heart....seriously, I even dreamed about her the following two nights. I created a Pinterest board with all of my ideas for her makeover. I had my nail artist paint trucks and the name Diana on my nails and toes. I even played the One Direction and Paul Anka songs titled, "Diana" on repeat. (Yeah, yeah, yeah....I know, I'm extra! God Bless, Tim, right?) Finally trying to get her off my mind, I turned on the TV and I kid you not, it was tuned to a PBS Princess Diana special. Was something trying to tell me something.... heck yeah! To me, it just reiterated that Fate Had Totally Sent Diana Into My Life!

Well, Monday morning rolled around and the seller reached out to me and let me know he had another buyer interested who wanted to drive down and get her but he wanted to reach out to me first since he knew how much I loved her.

I call Tim... "No!"

Tried again using all my best arguments... "No! Honey, you don't need that truck!"

But that's what he didn't understand...yes, I NEEDED HER!

Finally, he reluctantly told me that even though he thought I had lost my mind, if I wanted her that badly then go get her. This is why that man is so perfect! He may not understand my reasoning but he knows my heart and supports me as I charge through life, heart first!

I messaged the seller that I was on my way, called my parents to come with me, arranged for a tow truck to haul her and then ran to the bank to withdraw the exact amount to make her mine.

Upon arriving to the seller's house, my heart dropped to my stomach...

The other interested party drove down and was trying to convince the seller to let them have her anyway. They drove such a long distance and even offered the seller more money... cash on the spot- above his asking price! I just knew that since I only had exact asking price with me that I was about to lose Diana.

But you know what? That sweet seller told the other interested party that he knew that I loved that truck so much and felt she should be mine. He refused the extra money and signed her over to me for less. What a wonderful man he was! I'll never forget his sincere heart and his unselfishness of that day! He said that somethings in life are more important than money and this was one of those things.

See? I told you!


So- welcome to the family Diana!

You just fit perfectly and I can't wait to show off her completed makeover one day!

Au revoir pour le moment,


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