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  • Writer's pictureLindsay White

Part 3... Dr. Pepper!

My name is Lindsay and I am addicted to Dr. Pepper!

It is my wine, my joy and at the same time my despair. I know that it is terrible for me but there's something about it that I just can't quit. When I am stressed, I reach for it. When I am sad, I reach for it. When I am happy, I reach for it. When I am thirsty, I reach for it. But unfortunately, as I age, I have found that the more I reach for it, the more weight I gain.

Ugh! Why do all of the delicious things have to be so bad for you? The more I drink this sweet heaven, the tighter my clothes get. The tighter my clothes get, the more depressed I get and therefore, drink a Dr. Pepper to make me feel better! It's a constant struggle and right now, Dr.Pepper is winning this battle!

We've all got our vices and this is one of mine.

When I created Le Village de la Dame, one of biggest things that I wanted to bring to the forefront of this business was meaningful conversations amongst our group of women. Open, nonjudgmental talk about the everyday seemingly silly yet very real things that we all struggle with. As women, we all know that we are our own worst critics but we also know all too well how mean other women can be to one another. I want Le Village to be an escape from the everyday struggles that we face and to be a safe place to let it all out. If it matters to one woman, then it's worthy of conversation. We might find, the more we talk, the more we have in common. Or we might have suggestions that might make the world of difference in someone else's battle.

For instance, during one of my weekly spray tan appointments, my spray tan technician and dear friend made a simple suggestion that I have decided would be game changing in my Dr. Pepper saga. Now, I stand before this woman weekly in nothing but my panties as she sprays me. She sees every scar, every stretch mark, every mole, every hair, etc. As her client for years, she has undoubtedly noticed my weight gain. However, as a woman who absolutely embodies all the values that I seek for us ladies of Le Village, I feel not the least bit vulnerable baring all my physical flaws. She doesn't judge, she doesn't point out, she just supports. She listens and some of best conversations I have had in an entire week take place in those fifteen minutes or so that we spend together. Because every moment we have matters. And I always want to choose to use every moment for something good.

So, what did she say? Instead of agreeing with me as I tore myself down talking about the size of my Dr. Pepper rear, along with me whining about how I just COULD NOT put the Dr. Pepper down, she said... "You know what you could try? Try only putting only one in the fridge a day. That way when the one for the day is gone, you can't reach for another."

Simple suggestion but mind blowing to me! Why I never thought of that? Who knows!

Simple suggestion from one woman but life changing to another. A moment that she might not even remember but a moment that made a huge difference to me.

And we have these exchanges of little, simple moments all day, everyday. Every moment matters so I hope that us women with Le Village always choose to speak love and support.

Let's start a conversation, let's reach out to one another...

What is something that seems silly but is major in your world? What do you struggle with that seems so insignificant to talk about but is very real to you? No judgement, no shame, no worries... nothing but love here!

Au revoir pour le moment,


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